Prioritizing our own wellbeing is like putting on our oxygen mask before helping others with theirs. In order to really help another we must first take care of ourselves. This is basic. Still, it can be hard to practice when we are working both outside and inside the home, dealing with deadlines at work, and family members at home who need us. It can seem like there is simply not time for one more thing, even if it is the right thing.
I know how this is: I get caught up in this way of thinking too and begin to feel rushed and scattered, like I am going in too many directions at once. But the thing is when we take the time to put first things first, like starting the day from a place of being grounded in ourselves, body heart and mind, we set up a matrix for the entire day that supports more presence and spaciousness. When we invest more time and energy in the right things, life tends to coalesce around that and the speed and aggression with which we are approaching our lives can start to settle. We see that we are generating this energy and that we have a choice.
Ayurveda came into being to support us in fulfilling our dharma in the world. When we are in a state of balance in body, heart and mind, we can approach our lives from a place of empowerment and intention. The daily practices we do to care for our body, heart and mind are what give us the juice to really show up in the world. This is the kind of investment that keeps on giving.
Last year I spent ten thousand of dollars on myself. I invested in an ayurvedic mentorship, two week-long meditation retreats, a week chanting sanskrit; a spiritual school and a private teacher who supports my ongoing inquiry. In doing this I put myself in conscious communities where I am on-goingly inspired and supported in my own life’s undertaking. I recharge myself and hone my skills so I have something of real value to offer others.
I know that a lot of you have been checking out my course, Sacred Daily Essentials, checking out the application: and what that tells me is that you are curious, and some of you are right on the brink of making an investment in yourselves.
If you are ready to take a step in up-leveling your self-care with others of similar intention, go ahead and fill out the application. Once I receive that, I will send you a link to set up a free 15 – 30 minute strategy session with me and we can see whether this course would be a good fit for you. Sacred Daily Essentials begins with a call this Sunday, March 22, 2015.
With Love, Shannon